Deciding to trip into love.

Hello beautiful “Glorious Ruins,” how have you all been? (big smile). For those who haven’t read my previous post, I am in no means insulting you guys, haha but it does have a pretty special meaning to it; maybe you can go back to the previous post I made and just quickly skim through to find out what it is all about. Anyway, sorry for the late post, I know I said I would have a post up the day after but I totally forgot I had an event to help out at yesterday (being a Saturday, here in Australia).It’s all over now so here’s my next post! I’m excited, haha, here goes!

So, we’ve all been in the situation of falling in love, whether it was amazing and tremendously special like Disney, with “I will always love you” by Whitney Houston playing in the background or it was a totally retarded moment of embarrassment where you were tripping…literally tripping over an invisible object that decided to crawl specifically in your path just as the person you like walked past; well maybe that’s just me but it seems to happen quite often.

Now, I personally love falling in love. You suddenly get these butterflies in your tummy, like your very own butterfly farm that’s going crazy, if not a whole zoo shows up, especially when you see that special someone. Now, girls, I know when you see the special guy right in front of you, you imagine yourself grabbing him and saying, “Hey sexy beast, I’m going to make you mine,” then he’d faint at your beauty and you both would live happily ever after, admit it guys, you know I’m not the only one, haha. We would have a billion dreams of different scenarios in how our love stories would start and wish for that day where he would just come up to you and say, “I love you” with the dreamiest voice you’ve ever heard in your life. You feel like your hearts about to explode and you wish you could just feel his warmth while being in his gentle embrace…oh wow that sounded too corny for my liking…twilight moment,’s such a warm and fuzzy feeling…

If you guys have anything to say feel free to do so, I’d love to hear from you (goofy smile).

Coming back to reality, we all know love is the silliest thing that exists. It’s a paradox; it’s oh so bittersweet. Every time you fall in love, it’s going to be different. It can be as sweet as honey, the next can be oh so bitter, and even worse, confusing. I’ve got to say, confusing is my least favourite. Everything you think about is so confusing, literally as confusing as a cat barking like a dog, yeah that’s confusing isn’t it? Haha (there’s a youtube video if you’re curious). Does he like me? Yes but maybe not, did he lead me on? Yes and no? Is it just my imagination? Maybe? Should I move on? Yes but maybe not since I think he likes me but he doesn’t really?

Have you guys gone through one of these or am I the only weirdo? Haha!

I guess we all know that love can be bitter and when it comes to falling in love, it’s one of those things that could tear you apart. You’d have this hope that some day they’ll feel the same way about you, but it’ll slowly diminish as each day goes by, realising that there was never a story written for the both of you. It really does take a toll on the heart and time tends to slip away from your finger tips. In saying that, I would not ever think that loving someone is a waste of time. The reason being is that even if the other person didn’t fall for you, you would’ve learnt something, even the smallest of small things and you would’ve grown as a person. That to me is worth something, if we haven’t learnt what we did we would never get the chance to write a better story for ourselves. I’m one of those people who have been quite blessed in not having to face this situation very often but none the least I have faced them. Yeah, it hurts, yes you spend a lot of time pondering on what ifs, yes there’ll be tears, there’ll be regrets and yes a little piece of your heart would be gone but that shouldn’t stop you from loving.

Let me tell you why; we as “Glorious Ruins” were designed and crafted to love.

We weren’t built to make cash and blow it all in Disneyland or buy the exact same model of the bumblebee car from Transformers, no, we were simply made to love. Some of you are probably agreeing with what I’ve just said with your sweetheart by your side and some of us are thinking, maybe God just never wrote a love story for me. To be frank, I currently struggle with the thought that you know, maybe love just isn’t my thing, due to a number of previous experiences and yeah I’ve been hurt but I’m not here to make you guys all depressed, haha. I’m here to tell you to keep loving. I still love and is now just waiting for my Disney Prince Charming (giggles like a little girl).

Keep loving because God has made us to love, meaning that He has definitely written a love story for you. All you have to do is wait for the right person at the right time.

The more you love, the more you’ll learn and become a better person for the person who’s made just for you. I know, there’s plenty of heartache…your heart would be filled with gaps from pieces being torn away but remember this…

One day someone will fill in all those gaps and give you the rest of their lives to make up for the time you’ve lost chasing after what was never meant to be. Isn’t that beautiful?

I’m just going to leave it there as food for thought, haha this is my perspective on falling in love, I am in no way saying that it’s right but it sure is sweet isn’t it? Feel free to tell me your views, let me hear you out (smiles~).

Mentioning waiting, waiting for the right person and right time, I will be elaborating in my next post, it’s going to be eye opening so look out for it~! Haha I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and had an amazing day. Have a good night, or day depending where you are in the world and I shall see you all soon~

All smiles, lots of love.





We are All Glorious Ruins

So, quick introduction as to why I started blogging, why I decided to call my blog “Glorious Ruins,” and where “Luminous Polaris” comes from. (To be honest, I have no idea how to use wordpress, haha buttt I will do my best; here goes!)

Firstly, I started blogging because I’m hopeless when it comes to love and I want to hear your stories, from wherever you are around the world, whether it’s as sweet as Superman and Louis Lane or as tragic as Romeo and Juliet. I also want to be the “someone” you can rant to about issues you face, not to pry into your lives but to be there for you genuinely, if needs be. I also want to share with you stories from my world, not just about love and relationships but other issues I’ve faced  in hoping to relate to you guys so I can “feel your pain,”so you know, we can all sit on our couches and eat tubs of ice cream in front of the TV watching, “The Notebook.” Haha I’m only kidding, I’m not that depressing..

Now, “Glorious Ruins,” yes that’s the title of my blog. I think it sounds pretty snazzy,(I’m like goofily smiling to myself). Haha you’re all probably like, “Pfft, whaat?! It’s the lamest thing I’ve ever heard.” Hey, I tried okay? Haha well in all reality I decided to name it “Glorious Ruins” as I was inspired by an album and I thought to myself, hmm this title holds some pretty deep stuff. Keen to hear me out?

So here’s how it goes; we are all glorious ruins.

You are all probably thinking like, ” What? Are you saying I’m the Colosseum in Italy? Oh, hellll no.” No I am not calling you the Colosseum in Italy, but what I’m saying is that we are all beautifully and wonderfully made, each oh so unique from each other, glorious in every way yet we are all broken and ruined in one way or another. You get what I’m trying to say? I sure do hope so, otherwise I’ll just look like a retard talking about nonsense, haha.

In why I’ve chosen the name “Luminous Polaris,” it was also because I thought it sounded pretty cool. Well, and also because I love the ideation of stars, being these small speck of light you see and yet with the numerous amount they can light up the night sky. Yeah, sounds so corny I know.

Okay well here’s an introduction, I guess it wasn’t that short and quick after all but I guess I wanted you all to know what this is all about. It’s not going to be about me but about “Glorious Ruins,” like the Colosseum for example, haha kidding, you know what I’m talking about. So, keep updated, my next post will be up tomorrow, focusing on a particular topic and it’ll be light hearted and hopefully it’ll take a place somewhere in your heart.

All smiles, lots of love.
